Sunday, October 31, 2010

Media Meditation #4 : Flailing on Facebook

Koobecaf No Gnilialf : 4# Noitatidem Aidem

Everyone uses Facebook. And if not everyone, it's pretty damn close. But this week I just about lived on Facebook. Facebook became my lifeline, my one connection to the humans out there, my means of survival: it told me where the zombies were.

The symbol of HvZ from the HvZ website.

Humans vs. Zombies is the game to make you paranoid. Every time you enter a building you need to scout out the corners of exits and make sure no one is waiting to jump you and kill you. Walking through the heart of campus is a death wish. Walking out of Joyce alone is a sure fire way to get you killed. Your Nerf guns and your socks are your life lines.

So how does Facebook come into it?

Through this.

On the Facebook group you get messages from both sides. You can communicate with the undead without risk to your own life. Besides this group there are the private Human and Zombie pages respectively for whatever you happen to be.

You survive by living on these pages.

Zombies post their hitlists.

Video Footage of a Fall '10 Champlain HvZ Mission

Humans post where zombies are at the moment, if they know of any hits, and when they need rescues.

Facebook led to quick responce times and the quick sharing of key information. Without Facebook, my team would have been dead awhile ago. We learned to use the information to our advantage. We learned who to trust... and who to shoot on sight.

1 comment:

  1. Very good FB/Zombie post, Kaitlyn.

    Terrifying, really.

    Now - go get 6 more followers!

    Dr. W
