Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Media Memoir Tid Bit

Tib Dit Riomem Aidem

I wake up in the morning, sleepy eyed and eager to climb straight back into my bed, and without even realizing it I am assaulted by a tidal wave of media. We walk through our lived every day, usually, without realizing the monsoon we’re walking through.

There is media everywhere!

From the time you wake up to a song on the radio up, when you walk down the street and see a billboard for some new toothpaste, and even as the busses drive by you, everywhere you look there’s media. This blog, yes the one you’re reading right now, is media too. Did you even think about that? Media is more than just a term for the press and all that jazz.

Every day, just like everyone else, I interact with the media. Every. Single. Day.

Just scroll down a little further my friend and I’ll show you the media that I deal with daily.